I am definitely not the first person to make note of this, but as Etsy becomes increasingly popular, there are more and more sellers and it is harder to standout among the crowd. Your listing quickly gets buried in category listings and you have to offer something special (discounts, free shipping etc.) in order to entice people to buy from you. Plus the bad economy... Anyway, as I was searching for items for my regular
pounce undiscovered posts I was noticing that there seems to be a more-than-usual amount of fantastic artisans and crafters that haven't had any sales. Here's some of my favorites:
Top row: Three-Strap Belt from MeanttoB; Fading Heart Earrings from ssMiscellany; Vintage Dominic De Rosa Fuscia Heels from RoseandJigs
Middle row: Chocolate Milk Onsies from MissTwiggy; Love Note Card from sandpiper; Romantic Grey Dress from miablaz
Bottom row: Summer Afternoon Mint Dress from gooodmorning; Cowboy and Indian Earrings from navillusmik; Fresh Peaches Bracelet from pearlandpebble
Thank you for featuring my bracelet!